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Farmers Weekly on how BFS's foliar nitrogen PolyNPlus

Farmers Weekly on how BFS's foliar nitrogen PolyNPlus

11th February 2022

Farmers Weekly on how BFS's foliar nitrogen PolyNPlus

PolyNPlus helps combat fertiliser pressures

PolyNPlus helps combat fertiliser pressures

10th December 2021

PolyNPlus helps combat fertiliser pressures

Foliar fertiliser to replenish potassium levels

Foliar fertiliser to replenish potassium levels

1st June 2021

Foliar fertiliser to replenish potassium levels

Sulphur deficiency – the downside of a cleaner environment

Sulphur deficiency – the downside of a cleaner environment

23rd April 2021

Sulphur deficiency – the downside of a cleaner environment

PolyNPlus foliar fertiliser anticipates more eco-friendly farming rules post-Brexit

PolyNPlus foliar fertiliser anticipates more eco-friendly farming rules post-Brexit

26th February 2021

PolyNPlus foliar fertiliser anticipates more eco-friendly farming rules post-Brexit

Farmers Weekly talks about the benefits of using BFS PolyNPlus

Farmers Weekly talks about the benefits of using BFS PolyNPlus

27th April 2020

Farmers Weekly talks about how wheat growers can cut nitrogen and hit milling protein quality targets using BFS PolyNPlus.